Difference between SaaS and Cloud

What is the difference between SaaS and cloud computing? Is there any difference between them? When you research this topic, you will get to know one thing for sure, that is whenever you research something about SaaS there will be nothing mentioned about cloud computing and when you search about the cloud you will get some information about SaaS.In this article, we’ll look into the difference between the SaaS and Cloud. If you pay attention while reading this article, you will definitely get an idea on what these twoare about.

SaaS is Software as a Service;a service that’s not located at your premises is called SaaS. Iin simple words, take the example of Google Apps.It connects through the internet and provides the services you require. For this, there won’t be any extra hardware required and no other big storage devices are required. In this type, one can easily download the software from certain sources and then use it by accessing the internet. Almost every software works on SaaS nowadays; Google app store is one of the places where you will get almost every app, which works on SaaS.

Cloud computing is totally different.It comes when the user is trying to storeor accesssomething.He will get access through some remote servers to host and manage by his local server or personal computers. SaaS takes the help of cloud to store the important files and data there.Once this is done in the cloud, SaaS accesses all the required data and fetches it. These are the main differences one can see between SaaS and cloud computing.

These are the basic things, which must be known while doing all the stuffs like hosting and networking .Cloud is a very useful and powerful concept, which is now booming throughout the world.Every now and then, every person uses the cloud. If you go to Google Drive every day and use it for storing some important data, you are using the cloud.Whatever you store in the drive will get saved on the cloud.The cloud is one area where there is no fear of data loss or data hacking.This is a place where you can trust and save data without hesitation.

These are some of the major difference between SaaS and cloud computing.If you can take the example of Google App and Google Drive,you will get to know the difference very easily.

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